Inspiration for Daily Life: Words of Inspiration to Deepen Your Practice
I am forever grateful to the masters, gurus and teachers that every day remind us of our true nature which is peace, love and joy and that encourage us to transcend the games and tricks of the mind.I would like to especially mention Mooji, shown with me in the photo at the top of this page. His light has touched me in ways I would have never imagined possible.
A time when the trees have no leaves,
A time when nothing grows,
It seems as time has stopped.
Living in tune with the cycles of life,
Means looking at nature and noticing what is happening.
It is a time to remind ourselves, we busy people,
That we are human beings, not human doings.
It is a time to stop, reflect, and go inward.
Rejoice in your own silence,
Recharge in your own stillness,
Reflect on the question: who am I?
Joy, Peace and Love is your nature
Stop, listen and recognize what you truly are
That vastness...
In the "Now",
In the place where neither past nor future exists.
-Judit Duran-
"You don't have to keep all that you collect in life. Most of us we do a house cleaning several times a year to get rid of old stuff. Can you do the same with yourself? Letting go of old emotions, old hurts, conditioning and thought patterns? In the same way, you create space in your house by doing a house cleaning, when you release emotionally you create so much space within yourself. There is so much freedom... Are you ready to let go? Don't let your mind hold you back. Open yourself to life, to freedom, to the unknown."
-Judit Duran
…such is the nature of all thoughts and sensations, they come and go. Your previous problems seemed equally as pressing and important in their time as your current problem now does, but they are no more, absent from the present by the force of nature. If such is the nature of thoughts and feelings, surely your present difficulties share the same destiny. Why worry about it? All these movements are witnessed in you and by you as pure awareness. Stay as That!"
“As the lotus does not touch the water
so do not let the world enter your heart..
Being busy in the world is no trouble,
unless you are troubled being busy,
then the only trouble is the trouble.
Ocean does not complain about the dance of ten million waves!
so don't be concerned with the rise and fall of thoughts..
Keeping an old troublesome habit
is like keeping poisonous snakes in your arms.
Now is the time to hold this snake and throw it out..
Bad moods are either past or imaginary future,
in the Present there are no moods at all..
Moods belong to the circumstance, to the past;
face the Sun and there will be no shadow of the moods..
The world is like a tail of dog, it's nature is to curl.
The best you can do is stay Quiet
and not let anything bother you.
Visitors will come and go, don't interfere with these waves..
ust be silent..”
- H.W.L. Poonja, The Truth Is
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
- Rumi,
"Love is everywhere, do you ever stop to notice it?
Sometimes it is covered by layers and layers of conditioning,
but it is there.
Sometimes is behind pain and grieve,
but it is there.
Love is the force behind all.
Embrace it, receive it, give it,
You are it!"
I prayed for change,
so I changed my mind.
I prayed for guidance
and learned to trust myself.
I prayed for happiness
and realized I am not my ego.
I prayed for peace
and learned to accept others unconditionally.
I prayed for abundance
and realized my doubt kept it out.
I prayed for wealth
and realized it is my health.
I prayed for a miracle
and realized I am the miracle.
I prayed for a soul mate
and realized I am the One.
I prayed for love
and realized it is always knocking,
but I have to allow it in.